A Passion for Log and Timber Joinery

The Big News at Nicola LogWorks

The Timber Times

September 24th 2015

The Big News at Nicola LogWorks

round and square ThumbnailOur esteemed hosts over at Silver Servers gave us the heads-up that Google was going to penalize sites that were not responsive and that finally lit the fire to get on with the project. So - with their template and our ideas this is what we have come up with.

Hope you like it and trust that it represents more accurately who we are in 2015! Thanks to all of you who complimented us on our vintage pages - and yes - they do show up on vintage page sites!...
It feels like the fine tuning and tweaking could go on forever (still),but it is time to launch this new site. (Please bear with us on the few areas that we have not quite got polished yet and check in often to see our updates towards the final structure of this site.

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If I ever build another house it would be post and beam again and you guys would be my choice.

If I ever build another house it would be post and beam again and you guys would be my choice.

John Boys brought a solutions oriented approach to the prjoect which was carried out flawlessly

John Boys brought a solutions oriented approach to the prjoect which was carried out flawlessly

John Boys and Nicola Loworks have played a positive role in the complex project delivery process with contribution to both design and construction through attention to detail, project preparation, and their knowledge and passion for the celebration of wood

John Boys and Nicola Loworks have played a positive role in the complex project delivery process with contribution to both design and construction through attention to detail, project preparation, and their knowledge and passion for the celebration of wood