A Passion for Log and Timber Joinery

John Boys of Nicola LogWorks named as a significant contributor to the Log Home Industry - January 3rd 2007

[img align=left]/uploaded/john50_things.jpg[/img]Log Home Design (January 2007): Article "50 Things That Define Log Home Design" included John Boys of Nicola LogWorks as one of the "...icons that have influenced log homes through the years...", Needless to say we are flattered at the recognition, and proud to be in the company of fellow handcrafters B. Allan Mackie and Robert Chambers who are also among those listed as "what and who". Click here to see [url_poppup=/uploaded/jbfifty.jpg]50 THINGS[/url_poppup]
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Your structure has put the others in our subdivision to shame.

Your structure has put the others in our subdivision to shame.

You were dedicated to our project, patient with our many questions, responsive to all of our emails, highly knowledgeable and, best of all, fun to work with!

You were dedicated to our project, patient with our many questions, responsive to all of our emails, highly knowledgeable and, best of all, fun to work with!

If I ever build another house it would be post and beam again and you guys would be my choice.

If I ever build another house it would be post and beam again and you guys would be my choice.