A Passion for Log and Timber Joinery

January 2006 - Three Tommy Awards for Kelowna Lake Post and Beam - May 24th 2006

[img align=left]/uploaded/awardpix1.jpg[/img] The crew and owner’s of Nicola LogWorks were thrilled to have the quality of their log work recognized at the Tommy Awards, held in Kelowna BC in January of 2006. The Tommy awards are dedicated to excellence in the construction industry; the Kelowna Lake Post and Beam home was the recipient of 3 awards – gold for best feature, gold for best home over 4500 square feet, and silver for best subtrade. You can view pictures of this log post and beam home on our feature project gallery. (Clark Smith Project),and recent postings in our portfolio gallery.
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You were dedicated to our project, patient with our many questions, responsive to all of our emails, highly knowledgeable and, best of all, fun to work with!

You were dedicated to our project, patient with our many questions, responsive to all of our emails, highly knowledgeable and, best of all, fun to work with!

A reference for a recent post and beam job we did for Mohawk College in Hamilton Ontario.

A reference for a recent post and beam job we did for Mohawk College in Hamilton Ontario.

Your structure has put the others in our subdivision to shame.

Your structure has put the others in our subdivision to shame.