B. Allan Mackie School of Log Building at Nicola LogWorks - March 2007 - November 29th 2006
B. Allan Mackie School of Log Building offers 4 week log building course in Merritt BC Canada The name of Allan Mackie is synonymous with the re-discovery of log construction in the 1970’s. Many log builders whose names are well recognized today credit their career to the Mackie School, which was located in Prince George BC. A skilled craftsman, and excellent teacher, Allan also took his passion for the craft as far a-field as Australia and New Zealand, Japan, Korea and Europe. At 80 years of age, Allan is still an active log builder and will be holding one last class before he retires to Ontario where he is currently homesteading for the 5th time. John Boys and the crew of Nicola LogWorks are excited to have been chosen as the host venue for this landmark event. Allan Mackie and Dai Ona will be the main instructors, John Boys will also contribute. Students can also expect a few of the original students of the Mackie School to show up and participate during this four-week log building course. Enrolment is open to all nationalities; students will be learning with like-minded individuals from all around the world. Start date is March 5 through March 30th 2007. Students will learn how to pick logs, log layout, scribing and cutting as they work together to construct the walls and roof system of a handcrafted log shell. Course cost is: 2000.00 CAD (accommodation not included). Read the B. Allan Mackie Story written by Dai Ona to learn more about Allan and the BAM School of Log Building: [url_poppup=/uploaded/BAM interview 06.06.07.pdf]mackiestory[/url_poppup] For more course and curiculum information contact: Dai Ona (Daizen Joinery): 250 572- 5673 or email: dai@daizen.com. You can also visit www.logschool.ca to learn more.